Gonna need to change my name on here. Do you have any suggestion? https://twitter.com/iamSauceGardner/status/1633187167395561472?cxt=HHwWgIC2xezEn6otAAAA
make it SauceWithACheeseHead
TheMockingjay38 said:Ahmid Gardner
😂 I love it
What do you guys think of SauceWithoutACheesehead?
SauceWithCheeseSauce said:What do you guys think of SauceWithoutACheesehead?
Perfect y u want to change ur name and pic I like it the other way tbh
what is the best QB to have on a nms team. RN I have 96 lamar big truzz. I dont really scramble at all so he is kind of worthless to me. I want a pocketpasser with good discounted abilities.
tangytim said:what is the best QB to have on a nms team. RN I have 96 lamar big truzz. I dont really scramble at all so he is kind of worthless to me. I want a pocketpasser with good discounted abilities.
I'd say you want:
- 97 Flaccoroni and cheese (LTD - Quicksells for 350,000 coins!)
- 97 Joe Shiesty
- 97 A-Rod
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