What languages does everyone speak? i feel like the MUT community is represented as an English speaking community but I also speak Spanish and German
I took 4 years of Spanish in High School and a semester of Spanish my Freshman year of college. That’s about it and I still can’t speak much of it aside from random words here and there.
English, Spanish, and Italian are my main languages
I took 4 years of Latin, and could have taken a fifth this year but decided that it wouldn't be worth it for the career I'm considering. Basically done with all my highschool credits though
I’m taking my first year of Mandarin Chinese this year but idk if I’ll stay with it or switch to Spanish.
I'm taking Spanish and will continue to do so through high school because it hasn't been too hard for me to learn
english, lil bit of spanish, barely any german, even more barely navajo
i can count to five in spanish
How to count to 20 in Latin:
Unus, duo, tres, quattuor, quinque, se_, septem, octem, nonem, decim, undecim, duodecim, tredecim, quattuordecim, quindecim, sedecim, septemdecim, duodeviginti, undeviginti, viginti
Spanish, English, a lilLatin and a lil French