Since the market recently went up again I have been short on coins. Does anyone have any good coinmaking method that is not based on lucky packs?
Not really a method and probably pretty basic, but I usually make a good bit of coin by doing a few things.
1 . Play the Legends challenges. Do the last 10 of them. shouldn’t take you anymore than 2 hours to do them all. Every 2 games you will recieve a free nat legend.
take all the Nat 87 overall Legends and add to the Exchange for a 89-90 overall. Should be able to do this twice and will get you a minimum of 60k coins and if you pull 2 90’s.. you’ll get 100k easy
the 89’s dont have an exchange set yet so either sell them for training then use the training to rip a playoff pack or hold and wait till MUT add more exchange sets.
2. do your daily objectives. just by doing your daily’s you’ll receive multiple coin packs and a midfield pack everyday. it adds up. If you only profited 10k per day. that’s still 70k per week.
3. solo battles and house rules. Just by making it to legend every week…. that’s usually about a guaranteed 100k coins from the packs and coin rewards.. house rules is also about 120k if u win 50 games.