I’ve used S Taylor, J Adam’s AKA and Thomas Davis.. I think Davis takes the cake. what are your alls thoughts?
I've been using a BND CHII Malik Hooker for a while, and he's still great. Looking to make a small upgrade to Keanu Neal once prices drop soon
I use 93 ovr Patrick Queen. The dude is a beast. I also run the broncos 3-4 over defense.
I'm non-traditional but for me Bo, Peppers, Prez, Stork have been great. Dawkins was ok, Davis was ok, AKA Honey Badger was meh.....am looking forward to trying the Field Pass Ed Reed but I think "free" cards this year have something built in where they don't play as well..
The best of them for me, was actually probably Bo. Could be that COD and those traits - big hitter, strips ball, etc...plus he had acrobat for 1 AP.
Jsaun04 said:I’ve used S Taylor, J Adam’s AKA and Thomas Davis.. I think Davis takes the cake. what are your alls thoughts?
I completely agree. He plays beyond his stats and gets up for some crazy lurks.
Ray Nitschke has probably gotten the most picks for me because I play a lot of base sets. I know MLB traditionally dont animate but he has been a beast with free lurker. Otherwise, Lynch and Kam have been solid, Derwin is also similar to those two. Hendricks seems clunky. I might settle on Peppers but I love his height in deep zones. I need a new Isaiah Simmons.
I run a Falcons theme team so 6'3 Safety Ryan Neal is a beast for me, user out of dollar.
49ers tt
Fred Warner has been a beast at 96-speed lb with free lurker, Lott too even though he's much shorter he moves insanely fast.
Ted Hendricks is my user. I have him because he‘s 6”7, and he goes crazy with acrobat because his arms are so long. I’ve gotten some sick acrobat picks with him!
All solid!! thanks for all the replies. gives me some good ideas on different options!
pasoking9171 said:I completely agree. He plays beyond his stats and gets up for some crazy lurks.
That’s exactly what I’ve noticed with him. That dude will jump insanely high. the first time I was using him and he did it, completely caught me off guard.