So why are people selling off the entire team they've took time to build for one promo? Am I lost here about this. Like I thought the whole idea of mut, I've played since 17 mut. Was to build a team you like and just add to it
paramedic1071 said:So why are people selling off the entire team they've took time to build for one promo? Am I lost here about this. Like I thought the whole idea of mut, I've played since 17 mut. Was to build a team you like and just add to it
With the blitz promo coming up market will crash a lot .Last year they did offers that unlocked at specific times . So usually get the best bang for your mut points with those. So a bunch of the high ovr cards gonna be cheap cheap . Blitz currency seems like its coming back. So there will prob be some good players to buy with the blitz currency. Respect to the peeps who sell a week before or wait it out from the start with bnd cards till blitz .
The market typically goes down on the way to Blitz and then goes down a ton during the offers last year training went from like 12 13 to 4. Personally I don't spend a lot of money on the game and would rather give it to a coin company than ea so I will be stocking up on trying during this time and using whatever Blitz points I have. I will probably cave and buy crap
When does this program drop?
DaveSenior said:When does this program drop?
Usually like Thanksgiving night, give or take a day or 2.
DaveSenior said:When does this program drop?
Black friday (The day after thanksgiving)
Reason: typo
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Same, my goal is 400k
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That’s about what I’m at. Probably a week before I’ll look to selling off my big namers like Derwin, Joiner and a few others. They'll definitely be discounted price during a blitz.