Just curious to see how many people were able to pull him from TVP’s or other packs today. I rolled about $1Mil training and pulled 2 Flacco’s but zero Brady cards. Finally have in and bought him under 3. For those that pulled him, how much training/coins did it take you to get him?
Spent around 72k training and he was nowhere in sight. ☹️
i spent like 2 mill in coins and converted it to training... had never been happier to see that man on a screen
Swelce said:i spent like 2 mill in coins and converted it to training... had never been happier to see that man on a screen
What pack you pull him? What was your process?
chrsprfft said:What pack you pull him? What was your process?
this is really stupid... i quicksold my ltds quicksold most non bnd(including 97 edelman) cards i had... i used the cards on pro start fantasy... then used training i got from that pack and did tvp... then after 1 mill i just bought cheap training... just buy a bunch of 96's dont but the fantasy packs
I spent 1 Milly training and got 0 LTDs so I had to buy him.
Im about to dive in for giggles and see if i can pull ole boy.
Glad to hear I wasn’t the only one who had no luck with him. Pro stars heated up some for me but I was still going to lose money constantly doing those, so just bought him to save myself the trouble.
I spent about a million training on TVP’s and didn’t pull a single LTD.
Ripped 3 and pulled him on the 3rd one
I spent 1.2m in coins on the pro fantasy packs... rolled it all into training and repeated with what I made til I was completely out of the Training/coins. Took quite a while and got Harrison but no Brady in sight. Biggest loss was the first roll after that I broke even minus 1 or 2 packs each time. Off the first roll though 1.2m turned into 700k
TraeSkywalker said:Ripped 3 and pulled him on the 3rd one
Dang bro congrats
QB283 said:Dang bro congrats
Yeah was my first LTD this year my son lost his mind
TraeSkywalker said:Yeah was my first LTD this year my son lost his mind
Lol I can imagine 😂
I would lose my mind too