MUT.GG is proud to announce our next football squares game, for Sunday Night Football - Packers vs. Bills! If you're not familiar with football squares, you enter and are randomly assigned a square that corresponds to the score of each team, at the end of each quarter. It's free to enter and you can win MUT content!
You can enter squares here:
- Game Number: 744052
- Password: MUTGG
- You MUST enter your MUTGG screen name as your first name. You are welcome to put a fake email in (please write it down so you can use it to log in later). But your MUTGG screen name much be your first name. For example, I would put "Legend" as my first name
- For "Name of person who sold you the square", you can leave that blank (or put Legend)
- Once you register, please pick one square (everyone is limited to only picking 1 square)
- There are only 100 squares, so only 100 people can enter. Please don't wait to enter or it may fill up before you do!!!
- You MUST register by 7:00 PM EDT on Sunday. At that time the board will be locked and randomized and you will be able to see who has which squares.
- I will post a copy of the squares board in this thread at that time, for anyone else who may want to see it
What you need to know:
- We will pay out 1 MUT card of choice at the end of each quarter (no LTDs, no platinums, no BNDs, and no Elway)
- If someone's square wins twice, we will RNG a new winner after the game, as you can only win 1 MUT card per week
- If the game goes into overtime, the final score will be paid out, instead of the 4th quarter score
- Winners will be DMd on MUT.GG immediately following the game
- All winners' accounts will be checked for alts/multiple accounts. Alt accounts or those members with multiple accounts will not win (a new winner will be picked) and risk being banned from the site
Let's have some fun with the Sunday night game!!!
Squares is now closed. Because they didn't all fill, if a blank wins, we will RNG a winner for it at the end of the game.
First Quarter Winner:
Second Quarter Winner:
Third Quarter Winner: JoeCandy won again, so we will have an RNG drawing at the end of the game. won the random drawing.
Fourth Quarter Winner: