I struggled mightily with house rules recently, still never got to 15 wins to upgrade my 88 harvest before giving up, have had bad overall case of fidgets tweaking my lineup and chems, selling and rebuying stuff etc (overthinking it basically) and even if on paper team seems better im actually losing more since some of these changes.
My 91 jack campbell has been so bad Im gonna probably buy Kuechly back and/or use captain crowder again soon, my level 27 legend packs reward was sooooo bad, i think the best pull in either ome was a legend piece worth like 6k, the patriots team diamond is a repeat of logan mankins (who is STILL at the wrong position btw, he played LG his ENTIRE career, EA) AND i just sold a couple of the division dynasty cards (i actually use them and was gonna buy one of them back eventually especially since they had gone down in price ) now theyve apparently gone way up in price after the team diamonds reveal. Oof.
Hopefully zero chill is kinder to me. Lol