Four times this weekend, I have been "disconnected" from games I was winning - resulting in losses - (1) was in a H2H playoff
Each time, I had perfect internet, no lag
I dont get disconnected from Xbox Live, or even MUT, just the H2H game I was playing
Then Im back at the MUT home screen and can rejoin a H2H game right away
So why cant EA add an option that if you rejoin a disconncted game within 1 minute, you get to continue, especially if you were disconnected by EA server's fault
Even if you only get (1) disconnect per game, similar to pauses
I mean, people can pause the game, then do multiple delay of games before they are removed for "griefing" or whatver is is call, which can take 3 minutes...
So why not give us a minute to rejoin a disconnected game?