Offense AP from 7 to 8, Defense from 9 to 11... but Set Feet Lead is now 5 instead of 4. So what's the point of increasing the offense? Lol. Should've just left it all the same.
Just so they can say they increased it. Smh
So they can then add “discounted“ SFL for 4 AP and make them LTDs. Then people buy packs because it automatically becomes an AP advantage comp players need.
PoundTheRock said:So they can then add “discounted“ SFL for 4 AP and make them LTDs. Then people buy packs because it automatically becomes an AP advantage comp players need.
Could have done discounted SFL for 3 AP and it would've been the same math...
GS - 0 AP
SFL - 5 AP (now)
GS - 1 AP
SFL - 4 AP
They're both 5 AP...
Reason: more information added
My initial thought is they wanted to prevent OP stacks, but since it gets discounted on some players, its a moot point. pretty much anyone with the discount becomes the meta
Geega444 said:My initial thought is they wanted to prevent OP stacks, but since it gets discounted on some players, its a moot point. pretty much anyone with the discount becomes the meta
i disagree... Murray is going to be discounted SFL for 4, but Perry with GOM Future theme team boost gets SFL + GS for 5 while it's the same cost for Murray (SFL + GS is also 5).
The crap this company does.....
What's the advantage of SFL? I don't play head to head so never really cared to pay attention to the meta on abilities.
Rollhumps said:Offense AP from 7 to 8, Defense from 9 to 11... but Set Feet Lead is now 5 instead of 4. So what's the point of increasing the offense? Lol. Should've just left it all the same.
I see their idea. This is their attempt to reduce the reliance on SFL and increase variety of other abilities. Let's see if this will work.
Not everyone uses the same Abilities. Amazing isn't it.
DevaStayshuss said:Not everyone uses the same Abilities. Amazing isn't it.
if you’re not using SFL, you’re hurting yourself unless you never throw the ball.
cruise88 said:I see their idea. This is their attempt to reduce the reliance on SFL and increase variety of other abilities. Let's see if this will work.
SFL is too OP - and William Perry is still the best QB in the game with it.