A friend of mine was late to the promotion and pulled all of his eggs in the chocolate shop, but LTDs…. I pulled 3 over this week but now I’m curious.
Was there a limited amount of LTD eggs available in the chocolate shop for release 1?
As far as I'm aware, they should still be in packs. It sounds like your friend was just very unlucky.
I pulled every offer. 180 eggs. From mystery to eggstravagant, nice, simple, etc. every single one.
got 5 LTDs. 2 are duplicates so 3 unique LTDs .
Martyr1968 said:I pulled every offer. 180 eggs. From mystery to eggstravagant, nice, simple, etc. every single one.
got 5 LTDs. 2 are duplicates so 3 unique LTDs .
Dang, after the community has run around suggesting these LTD eggy-weggs were popping out "everywhere" i sort of suspected that information might be SUS. I kept assuming we'd have a similar level of grinch from EA, seeing as how the MUTmas promo went. Fire content/cards, but the drop rates were ridiculously low. This seems much more accurate.
I pulled just one thus far of the 4900 Chocolate Eggstravagant eggy-weggs, didn't get an LTD, just the basic 4140 Eggstravagant, as the title suggests. May the EA gods have mercy on my soul. Sorry you didn't get that fourth LTD... yet.
Martyr1968 said:I pulled every offer. 180 eggs. From mystery to eggstravagant, nice, simple, etc. every single one.
got 5 LTDs. 2 are duplicates so 3 unique LTDs .
Wow I opened 2 eggtravagent and got 1 Ltd I'm gonna stop there
To my knowledge they are
I pulled the Branch egg just a few minutes ago. They're definitely still in packs. 🤙