So over the weekend I sort of noticed a cycle while doing training rerolls and snow rerolls. Now this is either a good idea or risky idea, for preparation of the Ghosts and LTDs that are coming this weeknd. Steps I did over the weekend:
- Bought about 14k training, sometimes 21k. It's helpful to use the prices of training value on here to know if you are over paying or getting a "snipe"
- Roll that training into the 78+ zero chill training set. If I pulled a LTD I held that until I was low on coins. If I pulled 3 93s I would build a master, sell the master, quicksell the NAT 93s for around 80k snow. Now if I pulled 2 93s and had enough snow to buy another 93 then I would do that by quickselling the players I got from the rolls or if I got 2 91s and a 7, just build a 93.
- After earning about 500k coins I'd do about 21k training rolls and try for snow and if you are low on presents, spend about 50-60% of your snowflakes on presents and then do 85+ zero chill snow rolls. (This worked for me when LTDs were in packs, so I advise waiting until LTDs are in packs for this.)
- Now seeing as a 95 Ghost needs 2 93s and 1 89, then instead of trying to build a zero chill master with 3 93s build a ghost. A 94 Ghost requires 1 93, 1 91, and 1 85, so if your training rerolls are bad and you only pull 1 93 but you can make a 91 then you can build a 94 ghost.
- If you only pull 1 93 or like a bunch of 91s and are low on coins I recommend selling and retry. (This is where the process gets risky)
- If you aren't interested in trying to get the players and just presents then it's a similar process but instead trying to make as much snow as you can and not coins.
- Last thing is if you notice you are not doing good in rerolls but pull 3 87s, put those into the 89-90 exchange set and you can sell the 90s or if you pull an expensive 89 player you can sell that. Or you can use it for training.
Hope this helps others as it did for me! Any questions feel free to ask!
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Thanks for the tips. I'll try to give some of this a shot tonight.
Staff WizzLe said:Thanks for the tips. I'll try to give some of this a shot tonight.
Of course, hope it works out! I'm hoping like over the weekend with the Spain and Hicks LTDs, the same thing will happen with the new LTDs being released or for the Ghosts.
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