Rules: This basically works like 20 questions (but I'm not giving you 20 questions because that would be too easy).
I will pick out a certain player in the MUT database for each 5 Question Guess. You are allowed to DM me 5 questions about the player, then use your own knowledge or the database to narrow down your search. I will not be keeping score since I don't have anything to reward you with other than the satisfaction of winning.
Important: You have 5 questions to ask to narrow down the player, then you get one guess to get the player right. If you decide to guess early and are wrong, you forfeit your other questions.
You have until 8 PM tomorrow. Good luck!
Please do not DM me past 9:20 PM or earlier than 7:30 PM, I will most likely be sleeping.
Hint: Player has 73 Block Shed