How good has the MUT year been for you? (1-10)
For me, it’s an 8. I built my first ever Falcons TT and found this wonderful website!
How good has the MUT year been for you? (1-10)
For me, it’s an 8. I built my first ever Falcons TT and found this wonderful website!
ill give it a 6 only because of how good certain promos have been for me (Sugar Rush, Zero Chill, ULs, and GTs) and because i discovered this GOATed website
5. Easier than ever to make TT but missing a whole lot of players/upgrades.
They really need to get rid of abilities and only have x factors.
im sorry but if you vote 8 or above youre either: pay to win sweaty whale who is addicted to Throne, lucky as hell throughout the entire year, or being extremely generous to EA lmfao
MrAgentSochi said:im sorry but if you vote 8 or above youre either: pay to win sweaty whale who is addicted to Throne, lucky as hell throughout the entire year, or being extremely generous to EA lmfao
except HiitsME, finding obv boosted his rating and maybe a few other guys but for the most part youre a part of one of those three
Too much meta players for my liking. Hopefully precision passing and improved coverage gets rid of some of the people who abuse coverage glitches and allows people who are actually good at football to separate themselves from everyone else
voted 8. This is my first year and would have moved on to something else but for this site. Thx to everyone who has volunteered time to make what it is.
MrAgentSochi said:except HiitsME, finding obv boosted his rating and maybe a few other guys but for the most part youre a part of one of those three
Discovering was great for me too especially as this was my first real Mut experience. I’ll try to make it the whole year in Madden 23 and not buy the game super late this time
I’m giving it a 6. Some of the promos were really good. I especially enjoyed free agency the first day because I pulled three ltds
MrAgentSochi said:im sorry but if you vote 8 or above youre either: pay to win sweaty whale who is addicted to Throne, lucky as hell throughout the entire year, or being extremely generous to EA lmfao
I agree. I voted 7 just because some of the nice promos and bc how easy it was to make a NMS 99 team which I did
I would have to rate MUT22 as a whole at around 5/10.
Rating Deep Dive:
Gameplay 3/10
Team Building 8/10
Strategy Cards 4/10 (Good idea, poor execution)
Menus 1/10 (Crazy amount of lag, also the server disconnect BS in H2H)
Card Art 10/10
Card quality 8/10
Sets 6/10 (NAT’s were so much better than NCAT’s)
H2H/WL Players 5/10 (Everybody running the same shit they learned from YouTube)
Promos/Content 7/10
Store Offers/Cost 3/10
MUT.GG 100/10
This site is amazing and the community on the forums is awesome!
6 cuz i was able to get to 99 overall (whenever the special teams come out) as a nms and i found this website
I’d say 8 because I built a Patriots themed team finally, certain promos were very good, and I found this website like hiitsme