What’s up everybody? I just wanted to share my own experience with Luke and let you guys make an informed decision.

I’ve seen a lot of people ask the question whether they should just buy Luke or take the time to do the sets, so for purely scientific purposes I did the sets and charted every single transaction. DISCLAIMER: I don’t hold cards for big sets like this so I started with next to none of the necessary cards.

It took me about three days to get prices I was comfortable paying for sets and getting all the necessary items. All in all, I spent just south of 1.716M coins to finish up Luke. It was grueling and I would not advise doing it unless you have the time because it’s brutal. Anyways, after final sale (taxes included) I was able to net back 1.618M coins so I ended up -98k once it was all said and done.

CONCLUSION: Just buy Luke if you want him. Save your time, and obviously your coins, and get him off the block. His PUP goes for around 8K and the actual card has several posted for 1.6M this morning so you’re still going to save around 10k coins by just buying it.

Cheers mates.