There have been many house rules games modes that have some and gone whats your favorite.
mine: race to 56
i know it’s recent but I have a very good defense and the amount of points you got for picks was insane.
There have been many house rules games modes that have some and gone whats your favorite.
mine: race to 56
i know it’s recent but I have a very good defense and the amount of points you got for picks was insane.
College OT hands down.
Any HR that punishes a balanced game plan is one I don’t care for. All of them seem to be geared towards no running.
College OT.
Quick way to make 1000 coins.
jaybird said:College OT hands down.
Any HR that punishes a balanced game plan is one I don’t care for. All of them seem to be geared towards no running.
Definitely a close 2nd of me
College Overtime rules.
Hands down quickest and easiest way to rack up wins and even if you take an L, you’re into the next one fairly quickly.
College OT. This one's probably the worst
College OT. For me it was like a way where I could just have some fun and get rewards while doing it
Maybe we should suggest them to make a permanent mode?
College OT
Race to 56 was fun though
rcarlsn612 said:College OT
Race to 56 was fun though
It was until you played a guy turbo blitzing you by running against the no blitz line before the snap.
Race to 56 for sure. Fast and easy if played right. BUT that corner blitz crap gtg.