As many of you most likely have forgotten, I have chosen to remind you all of the most important things on Christmas Day.
1) DO NOT SELL. If you sell your cards from the eggs immediately after opening them, you will get half the coins they are worth. Wait for the market to go back to normal and then sell.
2) SNIPE CARDS. As nobody will listen to Rule #1, the market will be wrecked. This will cause cards to be worth practically nothing, and you can get elite cards for half price. If you notice a card you want could be pulled from an egg, wait until Christmas to get them.
3) Do not go straight to Madden on Christmas Day. Madden will always be there, but Family will not. My grandmother has Stage 4 Cancer, and this is most likely the last Christmas I will spend with her. This could happen to you or your family at any time, so make sure you cherish the moments you have with them.
I hope you all take this advice into consideration, and may you all have a Merry Christmas!