i've had back and forth talks with people about this conversation and honestly i see the benefits and weakness in each argument what do you think?
Needs more ap on both sides of the ball(at least 15 on each side is fine for now) and also need to be able to pick two strat cards per side of the ball
Idk the way ea does these ap updates is kinda bad imo. They increase it 2-3 but follow it up with an increase in abilities so a lot of the times it doesn't change much. I would like an ap update though, maybe to 15 where I can actually use an extra 3 ap.
I don't think we'll see ap change this year... EA likes using abilities to sell cards hence why the 0ap meta ability players are so expensive. I bet all the happens is we get flooded with 0ap players for the rest of the year instead of upping the ap cap.
Im always up for more AP but I don't think they will change it. They will just release more players with 1 or 0ap abilities for instance we will see a CB have 0ap acrobat and or 1 ap inside shade eventually. I do love how they've made every card unique this year with all the different abilities and stuff but I don't expect to see an AP increase. Bumping it up to 14 or 15 would be nice.
Man ..with the amount of abilities on my squad for 0-1ap if they increase it W . But this year they have been so generous on the discounts. Didn't think we'd see 2 ap inside shade already. Shoot only a matter of time we see 0-1 ap . Shouldn't be increased
It becomes way too much pay to play if AP stays the same. All the most expensive cards have free PA and now cheap Acrobat and Inside Shade
the more people can pay millions for those cards, the more regular people get priced out and start losing more