TL;DR - Are coins less valuable than they have been in previous MUTs?
I’m no expert in economics, but I wanted to shed some light on the market in this year’s MUT.
Currently, I have 6 million coins. That is more than double the amount of coins that I’ve ever had (at once) in any other MUT. I haven’t played any more than I did last year or the year before. I’m just filthy rich.
Or am I? The market is currently flooded with coins which has made everything expensive. We experienced a market crash on Christmas morning, but since then the market has grown back up. Higher OVR cards are especially expensive right now. Will the market continue to stay top-heavy for the rest of the year?
A lot of people think this is due to the shit EA pulled on Christmas, and while I think that’s true to a degree, I think the real culprit is the training variety pack.
Instead of selling all of the players I got from presents I decided to quicksell them for training and rip TVPs.
We’ve never had a TVP this early in the year. On top of that, we’ve never had a TVP spit out coins like this one does. Strategy items and platinum cards (which are flying out of packs at an alarming rate) quicksell for a set amount of coins. Plus, LTDs quicksell for 350k, 100k more than they did last year. And because so many people took advantage of this pack, there are so many coins in circulation.
EA has attempted to control the market to some degree by raising how much training the variety pack costs throughout the year, but that doesn’t change the fact that coins are plentiful right now. They’ve added and removed the TVP a few times already this year and the market has fluctuated accordingly. Still, I think it’s doing enough damage to the market when it is in the store to change it long-term.
The variety pack leaves the store in a few days, and training will probably become a lot cheaper. This does not mean higher end cards will get cheaper though.
So, what do you all think the market will look like for the rest of the year? Are coins less valuable than they were in previous MUTs? How will EA attempt control the market and the TVP in the future? Do you think the TVP is to blame for the current state of the market? Or do you think I‘m being dramatic and everything is fairly normal right now? Discuss.
Also, I know the title is a little click-baity… Coins are definitely worth something.