I just got Chase Young to replace caveman. Caveman looks great against the run though and powered up he can get both inside and outside stuff for 1ap each. My current DT's are team captain Adams and Siragusa. Adams costs 2ap for inside stuff so I only have inside stuff on Siragusa for 1ap but he's kind of outdated at this point. Ive been struggling against the run here recently and thought about just subbing in caveman in place for either Adams or Siragusa,probably Adams since I have inside stuff on Siragusa. That could give me 2 inside stuffs and open up some other possibilities like adding one or two outside stuffs on Chase Young or Caveman or Bruce Smith if I power him up. Anybody use caveman at DT? Are there any other great DT's that are great against the run? I'm on old gen so the run is a little more difficult to stop. Any tips or strategies to slowing down the run?