So I know some of us are absolutely fed up with the current state of the game, me being one such person. This game feels like an arcade game rather than actual football at this point. So I'm asking all this question, what major changes would you implement in order to fix Madden? I'll start.
1. Abilities need a rework, especially in MUT. Every NFL team has a couple of impact players no doubt, but not everyone is this superstar. So being able to plant abilities on EVERY. SINGLE. PLAYER. is completely illogical, even for MUT. It's too arcade-like. Some people have proposed lowering the AP limit, which is a thought, but I propose this. *Abilities can only be placed on players you give an X Factor to. * I feel like this will force players to more smartly and carefully think about where to put abilities. This way every player can have 3 impact players on offense and defense that you're opponent is forced to gameplan around and vice versa. This would also lead to more variety in H2H as now you're forced to choose where you spend your points. This also makes theme teams even more viable because the ability playing field will be level when facing god squads such as Legends tt that get free abilities.
2. The second big change needed is improving AI logic. Players run the same formations and plays over and over again on offense and defense, and they should be able to if that's how they want to play. But they do this because these formations and plays just exploit the horrible AI logic. It really makes you think what does the awareness and play rec stats even do. The whole AI needs to be revamped.
That's just two of my thoughts. What do y'all think of these? Also be sure to share what major changes you would make to madden to improve the game.