My four safeties are Eric Berry, Poyer, Bates III, and Julius Peppers.
Have been running Berry and Bates at SubLB, Poyer deep SS, and Peppers deep FS bc my 50/50 GB TT gives him enough speed and acceleration boosts to be able to play up top still, but his PRC and AWR ratings are atrocious (87 & 88), so while CPU controlled he can go braindead.
Thinking about making Peppers my exclusive user in the box to counter the low PRC/AWR. Can’t decide who to put up top FS and who to keep at SubLB between Bates and Berry though.
Another thing I’m contemplating is switching my defensive strat card from Slot Specialist to Mind Reader (+4 PRC, +4 AWR, +1 TAK for MLB/Safeties) because
A.) Pretty much all of my DBs meet the coverage thresholds without the Slot Specialist boosts already
B.) Peppers would hit the 91 thresholds for PRC/AWR, albeit they would still be low ratings at 91 & 92 and don’t know if that would make enough of a difference to justify keeping him up top
Any insights would be awesome!