What even is the easter promo?
Steelersstanokvic said:How is everybody getting so much training and coins
I know, right? I've only got 10k training and 130k coins. I just bout Quenton Nelson so I had a bit more a bit ago...
yo what’s popping y’all
Amungusbeest said:What even is the easter promo?
A promo where cards are released
Just stock piling coins, all I have is 1.1 mil and I'm hoping to just buy Stafford and then get the jackrabbit with my free A.K.A redemption. I have no training ATM, used it all earlier in the week and pulled gus the bus and then 2 days later pulled mark Andrew's. My first ever LTD pulls came in the same week!
I got a Ryan ramchek 94 for training lol
Amungusbeest said:What even is the easter promo?
Player drops, and there also will be Easter eggs similar to Christmas presents during ZC. Easter is the second biggest promo of the MUT year as everyone tries to have plenty of training on hand to get eggs. Those eggs will hatch on Easter morning and then you get to log in to see what all you got. Generally the market will tank Easter morning, so it’s a great time to buy players that you want at a discount.
Pats4Life187 said:Since im broke as a joke i wont be participating in anything besides solos unfortunately but i hope they come out with some good cards
*Please tell me how yall are getting all these coins and training....making me feel stupid
for real!!!!!!
Amungusbeest said:I know, right? I've only got 10k training and 130k coins. I just bout Quenton Nelson so I had a bit more a bit ago...
People have lots, look at the binder menu. You can see the leaderboard and how many coins, training, binder value, etc
Filthy808 said:No glitch homey up to 73 mill in coins with 5 mill training. Buy low sell high.
That's impressive. You should link your binder then....there are only 7 people in the community with 70mil or more coins..
Thegoag said:A promo where cards are released
Wow, very helpful. But why is everyone stocking up on training?
Amungusbeest said:Wow, very helpful. But why is everyone stocking up on training?
For Easter eggs. Eggs will likely cost training (unless they do an alt currency, but even then, that’ll still require training.) Did you play during zero chill? Same concept but it’s eggs instead of presents. Easter is the 2nd biggest promo of MUT behind ZC typically and everyone wants eggs to open on Easter morning.
How do you guys get so many coins? Ive been playing a couple of months and I’m only at a couple hundred Thousand?