It’s 52/50 rams theme rn so a little room for cheats but won’t change hurts or bettis rn bc of abilities
Honestly, youre doing pretty good rn so you should focus on getting those middle line backers and left ends a little bit better so you could get the 95 dean lowry left end for around 200k and the 97 london fletcher for around 300k and have quite a bit of cash left over for new releases. Both have rams chems.
Full Rams
Suggestions and you take as you wish:
Madden at LT. Move Slater to RT and move Conk to RG.
Assume no Gronk? He has 2x Rams
Keep leveling up Megatron
Stabler/Jackson if available. You have OBJ already so could get Jackson, sell white and save some coins?
If OLB play, Maniac and Matthews
Deion/Slay/Dean for CB
White or Lowry for LE unless you use Xfactors for the line
RamsFan99 said: It’s 52/50 rams theme rn so a little room for cheats but won’t change hurts or bettis rn bc of abilities
i notice you dont have a 2nd sub linebacker at saftey you should get 1