I'm going to be honest, due the cheese man blitz and agg catch meta, I haven't played head to head in a long time. But today I decided to just try it anyway because of the artist, and I actually had fun. I mean, I still constantly got agg caught on because I by no means have a god squad, but regardless using the artist was so fun. I think that this is a really good thing EA did in the wake of the crappy team diamonds 2 promo but it was just so fun running around everywhere. And honestly, the card isn't as overpowered as people are complaining either, he under/overthrew a lot and you can easily counter his running with a QB spy adjustment. I'll be sad to quicksell him tomorrow and put Josh Allen back in, but the free 40k training is super generous too.
Hankhill8950 said:I'm going to be honest, due the cheese man blitz and agg catch meta, I haven't played head to head in a long time. But today I decided to just try it anyway because of the artist, and I actually had fun. I mean, I still constantly got agg caught on because I by no means have a god squad, but regardless using the artist was so fun. I think that this is a really good thing EA did in the wake of the crappy team diamonds 2 promo but it was just so fun running around everywhere. And honestly, the card isn't as overpowered as people are complaining either, he under/overthrew a lot and you can easily counter his running with a QB spy adjustment. I'll be sad to quicksell him tomorrow and put Josh Allen back in, but the free 40k training is super generous too.
Yeah I didn't play h2h today because of him and it gave me an excuse to finish my aka solos and also was in my superbowl and didn't want to face someone with quad father and gus the bus rage.