First Madden I've played essentially daily in a long time and the first I have ever dedicated fully to MUT. I watch some YouTubers. Learn alot from this site(thanks to all that make this happen)
I think my observstions will cause me to be wealthier in future games. Although I've had no problem keeping my team in the top 10% of players (not skill wise, roster wise)
However today I'm beyond confused. TVPs didn't go away. Lots of new stuff out there. And training took an absolute dump and I got home from work 12 hours later and it's the same. Like I can understand it lowering because of the dynanic if these packs ect. But right at content drop people who had some training tucked away just absolute DUMPED it. I mean the AH is absolutely flooded with cards at 1.0,1.1,1.2 training.... Why? What was the reasoning you had to paid more than that for it. I bought 580 ripped 20 new tvps (silvers hurt just so much more now) I literally was within a few coins of breaking even and it felt standard I didn't get good rolls.
I'm looking at all the training I could want available for purchase at 1.2 rn
Im just confused on this one