it really sucks that almost all of the gts are useless due to the fact that you only get 2 tokens
the correct answer of all of this is none.
Hassan Haskins, can’t give this man enough love. He’s insane on the field, and I got him to 99 speed with the titans TT remix, and he breaks more tackles than any other HB I’ve used this year
peppers, because of my bears tt
just look at the prices and you’ll see
Jfuertez said:I literally watched a YouTube video on the origins of drinking the kool aid..pretty dark stuff lol
and totally agree, no card is a game changer anymore I thought my team hit its peak weeks ago, now it’s just about who I want to go out and use and have fun with
Lol dude I just learned the same thing within the last year and was horrified 😳 70s were a wild time
cjhendu said:Lol dude I just learned the same thing within the last year and was horrified 😳 70s were a wild time
Did you listen to any of the audio from back then that was being spewEd? It’s crazy how so many people literally just followed everything being said
At the end of the day I don’t think any of these gts are anything we haven’t seen before in a different skin, but I do have to say peppers did get me one crazy play
drag with a slot cross, I chased the drag and saw the cross maybe 15 yards up, I knew I had no chance of getting it but I still cut to it and peppers went up and caught thag out of mid air lol
Zach wilison
is insane !!!
he’s been playing better then any card
and I used every qb in the game almost
Peppers is my favorite but Kearse has made more plays in the last week than anyone else on my team and it’s not even Close
Jfuertez said:Did you listen to any of the audio from back then that was being spewEd? It’s crazy how so many people literally just followed everything being said
Yeah I have and it really is crazy but that’s what can happen when you’re stuck in a situation like that with no other option. Never realized how morbid of an expression it was 😭
People sleeping on Kearse. He has been the best sub LB next to my user all year
collin and it’s not close.
Only card worth it that’s dropped so far. Only 1 other god stack WR and you need atleast 2-3 of them.
Think about it…
if you’re gunna spend coins on Stafford or Wilson, just go get Rodgers… we don’t now how many tokens we’re getting. saves you a token
HBs… AKA are better
Runyan… AKA are better
Moss… million coin card just cause of his name. Still gotta pay for a KO 🙄
Kearse & Peppers… just users, no positional flexibility. Just as good cheaper options.
this promo is going to be filled with “user” only cards and acro corners. It’s kinda a L promo so far between player selections and token issue