So I was doing the TT Remix solos today because I need the XP and just got James Cook. When I pressed the Next Challenge button, it said "Error: Access denied". If I pressed it about 3 times it would work again, though. Has this happened to you guys?
It's happened to me before. I'm pretty sure it happens when for whatever reason there's a delay between when you press next challenge and the game begins loading you into the next challenge.
I'm getting this today across all challenges and similar issues in other areas of MUT.
I can’t do any solo challenges. Every time I click to play one, it disconnects me from the EA severs and I get booted to the main menu. Can’t even do my dailies now smh
Amungusbeest said:So I was doing the TT Remix solos today because I need the XP and just got James Cook. When I pressed the Next Challenge button, it said "Error: Access denied". If I pressed it about 3 times it would work again, though. Has this happened to you guys?
It happened to me today as well, trying to grind out the solos before seasons end 😭