This will be the first season that I'm doing Fantasy Football and I know like nothing about it and I made the mistake of drafting Geno Smith, Josh Allen, Aaron Rodgers, and Danny Dimes and apparently out of all of them Geno has the best projections
Evaluate your roster: Take a close look at your roster and consider the strengths and weaknesses of each player. If Geno Smith has the best projections among quarterbacks, it's a good idea to put him in the starting lineup for at least the first week or two. Watch the matchups: Look at the upcoming matchups for each of the quarterbacks. Sometimes a player may have a more favourable match-up, which can lead to better fantasy results. I also suggest going to the Betwinner App Bangladesh because you'll get a lot of experience. Stay up to date: Keep up with news, injuries, and any changes that could affect a player's performance. Make sure you are up to date on any recent developments that could affect your quarterback selection.
Reason: Link removed
TheMockingjay38 said:Oh my
Oh my in a good or bad way
Amungusbeest said:Oh my in a good or bad way
Oh my in a wow you just drafted 4 qbs onto one team in fantasy football way
TheMockingjay38 said:Oh my in a wow you just drafted 4 qbs onto one team in fantasy football way
Lol I didn’t realize til after the draft
Amungusbeest said:Lol I didn’t realize til after the draft
Anyways I’d keep josh and geno and see if you can trade the other two
TheMockingjay38 said:Anyways I’d keep josh and geno and see if you can trade the other two
How do I trade
Amungusbeest said:How do I trade
Depends on what app/website you’re using but id look at other ppls teams, find someone with a weAJ QB, and then pick someone from their team you’d want to trade for. Usually if you click on that player there’s a trade button somewhere but it might depend on what you’re using
what app/website are you using?
Steele said:what app/website are you using?
I was just showing the team I have were not really doing anything
Amungusbeest said:I was just showing the team I have were not really doing anything