I wish EA would bring back golden ticket or something similar that we could obtain VIA packs. During the entire year and not just the end, so we the fans could make our own player card, design, graphics ect. I think that would be pretty cool.
Reason: clarification
They already do that with Golden Tickets at the end of the year
this is exactly how they make golden tickets lmao
Golden tickets are at the end of the year
Probably will come back in a few months.
weplaythose said:Golden tickets are at the end of the year
I understand that what I actually meant to say is during the year, not at end where 80% gamers lose interest and are already aiming for following years game.
Thatguytintz said:I understand that what I actually meant to say is during the year, not at end where 80% gamers lose interest and are already aiming for following years game.
Defeats the point and never has been a thing.
Thatguytintz said:I understand that what I actually meant to say is during the year, not at end where 80% gamers lose interest and are already aiming for following years game.
EA hasnt ever done that, giving players custom cards would not go well. everyone would have a 6'5, 99 speed qb with HRM, Gunslinger, SFL, Fearless, and bazooka.
weplaythose said:EA hasnt ever done that, giving players custom cards would not go well. everyone would have a 6'5, 99 speed qb with HRM, Gunslinger, SFL, Fearless, and bazooka.
uh yeah bro they actually have. I believe they started in 2010. I may not know the exact specifics but i do remember it being in Madden 2010. and the winner was allowed to design the card, but EA controlled the attributes of said player. Of coarse we cant have 100s of all 99s in the game..lol