0-0. stuck in mvp tier at 9-3 which isn't even possible, my account is glitched no matter how much I win or lose I cannot advance, I cannot pass go, I do not get to collect $200. Also, I don't think I have an Elo my opponents are not MVP tier caliber like they had been. I can also play unlimited mut champs games. While it tracks my wins in the comp pass effectively, where it shows your wins/losses and scores in the bottom right I only ever have 2, I have a loss of a game against nobody where the score was 0-0 and then it shows my most recent game. I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad about this.
On one side, my games aren't super stressful, I win more, I can't be demoted objectives are easier to hit for the comp pass. 3k per win and most people don't make it past the first half.
On the other side I cannot make playoffs, I cannot win super bowls, I cannot earn packs, I also am not challenged so I can't really work on or improve my game whatsoever.