I’m sitting on a million and am too cheap to spend it while everyone’s I’ve played today is out here with crazy teams. Like bijan and cordarell at rb. when I think ab it it’s crazy to me that someone would spend that much on a game
You either need time or money to have a good team. Not saying it's healthy but anyone who's been since grinding day 1 could reasonably have a 90 ovr team NMS
I don’t spend and have a 90 over team. I faced a few teams today that were closer to 92. That involves a lot of grinding or a lot of money or both.
Money or time or both
It is easy to be at 50m coins if you nms and and just flip in the ah 2 to 3 hours a day. Boring as hell but it's not hard. I don't recommend anyone waste time on Madden like that but it's doable and easy
People who spend many hours grinding, or people who spend money, but the scariest are people who do both 😬😬😬
Lot of grinding. And the move early on for me was to find LTDs close to rental price - so my team never lost value while I was consistently upgrading my team.
still doing this to some extent (Michael Irvin is still relevant, got him for 410k). not bad for a 60k rental, along with others.
obviously gotta have a coin stack to do this, but helped me to build early