What do we think the small and nice presents are gonna be? I’m hoping that they are + packs (Like 82+ for smalls). What have you guys been doing, holding onto them or QS for larger presents?
As long as they're "+" presents they are more valuable keeping but if they're like random 79 overall mf or random 82 overall harvest is a major L.
I imagine we get screwed cause EA, there are usually a couple surprisingly good/valuable presents but the colour scheme of them this year is very concerning and the quick sell values being atrocious is also concerning
I'm keeping all my presents
I’m keeping all of mine. 3 Lavish, 8 Nice, and 20 something simple.
Teylem27 said:What do we think the small and nice presents are gonna be? I’m hoping that they are + packs (Like 82+ for smalls). What have you guys been doing, holding onto them or QS for larger presents?
Most of the time the “plus” is very generous on Christmas. I don’t quicksell unless I want a specific present but I’m content with everything i have so I’m not quick selling any.