I've been trying to use man more often but I still get fried. I have a Zero Chill theme team. I was wondering what the best abilities or formations are to run man?
Probably want to use mrko, maybe drko if you can get it at a discount. I know last year inside shade was a very good ability for man but I haven't heard much about it this year not sure if that's due to the cost or if it's been nerfed this year
I’ve found man only works for me if I’m either blitzing or using man/zone combinations
Rollhumps said:I’ve found man only works for me if I’m either blitzing or using man/zone combinations
str8 man is asking to get burned
Ifeo5 said:str8 man is asking to get burned
This. I'll run man out of 3-3 cub, Mike blitz. But I'll hot route the OLBs to a flat or curl flat and user the Mike. It works pretty well cause it'll take away the slants and drags that are man beaters. Just the pass rush isn't great
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