peteycane said:This is my first year doing a TT. I’m always all over the place chasing every card with the promo’s and now I just sit back and try to get just what I need. I did a zero chill TT and put a lot of effort into it and even with the promo being over I’m good with who I have being able to compete for awhile. I’ll finish the year out with a Dolphins squad but doing the TT made the game fun again. Been playing madden for over a decade and this is the only thing that made me stick with it in years.
I started focusing on TT a few years ago. Made the game more fun. With less need to get all the new cards. If they introduce no new Vikings worth using in a new promo, I can just focus on other field passes. And not be inundated with 30+ new solo challenges to be bored by.