I was going to do some of my playoffs challenges but they aren’t showing up also my totw challenges aren’t there. there might be others but idk
same here. i finished a playoff challenge. game freezes after the challenge and all playoff challenges are gone...
edit: totw also gone.
Yeah, a staggering percentage of my challenges are gone today.
I got totw back but not playoffs
totw challenges are back.
I just noticed the same thing.
I was playing some about 6 hours ago.
I got a 91bnd out of the 82+ bnd free pack from getting some stars. Not long after, the servers were down.
This is probably an over-the-top conspiracy theory against EA. But I would not put against them to reset the servers if they thought the randoms were giving out consistent high OVR cards.
Guttfoxx Just made a video about this and other glitches.
Sure enough to jadavion clowney out of the solo 82 pack is one of the glitches. That is the one that I got a 91 of. So yes of course EA has to shut things down when they're giving out good cards for free. Even when they're bnd cards.