I know EA doesn’t care, and I’m way past even caring about them caring tbh…but I really think They messed up by not doing Donald Penn style upgrades in the field pass.
I think this is a pretty reasonable request and would make everybody happy - they should give every field pass player like a base 90 and have us continually unlock upgrade items and decide how the upgrades should work (like how the zero chill Penn was)
Space the players out so we unlock a different player every 10 levels and an upgrade token every 5 or whatever - then let us mix and match as we please...maybe Give us enough upgrade tokens to make a 95,94 and two 93 or whatever, but letting us decide which players are upgraded to what level Is way better than the current option.
that would make grinding fun again imo. The way it is right now kinda sucks. I’m not here to do any big kind of “I’m not playing your game anymore” speech, but I stopped even caring about finishing dailies or any of the field passes in general. I think this idea would be a great jolt of life in to the game, and I’m pretty disappointed they didn’t take this route after introducing Donald Penn in ZC.
ok, time to flush and get back to the real world lol, thanks for listening.