The past 2 h2h seasons ive grinded i've won 1 playoff game then get disconnected on the kick off to playoff game 2. They give me a loss and lose all chances at any rewards after putting in hours of time. WTF, is this something someone is doing to me? bad luck? why the fuk does this happen
LiquidBoi said:The past 2 h2h seasons ive grinded i've won 1 playoff game then get disconnected on the kick off to playoff game 2. They give me a loss and lose all chances at any rewards after putting in hours of time. WTF, is this something someone is doing to me? bad luck? why the fuk does this happen
I feel bad for ya. I haven’t had this issue yet but I’d probably check internet and see. otherwise maybe email EA about it but yeah it sucks
check your upload speed. that’s the speed that matters for online connection, download speed just affects how fast shit downloads like games, in game graphics etc.
should be aiming for around 100mbps for a good connection
mannn it just happen to me! just grinded for my first super bowl and im winnign28-7 at half and i get hit with the peer lost connection, back out and i got a is that shit
i have 1 gig internet, its not the internet its def the game, i seeem to not be the only one but man its frustrating
LiquidBoi said:i have 1 gig internet, its not the internet its def the game, i seeem to not be the only one but man its frustrating
The issue could be with your opponent's connection which you can't control.
These loses are definitely frustrating but I try not to let it bother me too much since this is just how EA's code works