peatrick said:I don't see how we can improve upon 98/99 SPD and decent 0AP abilities from SB theme team. I have no intention of moving away from 70/70, 25/50 49ers + 6/6 AKA Crews, until i see a clear upgrade path. Plus, the card art stinks. There's AI bots that could generate better options in ~90 seconds flat, what the hell EA. You don't even need to pay for an entire art department, it's the 21st century, my goodness.
"If you run an NFL Theme Team in MUT 23 this year and do not understand how the new Theme Team Remix Motivator Chemistries work, today's article is a must-read. Running an NFL Theme Team means you have to make a few sacrifices compared to the players running "god squads" or a Legends Theme Team. However, the Theme Team Remix Program has introduced a new way to help even the playing field just a bit through Remix Motivator Chemistries (Legends Theme Teams do not get this Motivator Chemistry). Oh, and these boosts can be stacked, allowing you to really boost lower-rated players on your Theme Team!"
This is the promo from last year, that is coming up soon imo