As many of you know the 96 bnd Genki Force Pt. 1 + 2 pack only had the 96's from part 1. I understand there may be no answer to this question that any of you know. However, I will ask anyway, when can I expect them to return
The pack will not be returning, it had all players but only if you bought and opened yesterday. its been the same format all year, kinda scummy but that’s EAs trademark at this point
Glad I got mine when I did then lol. I had like 750 stars and used it just to use it since I needed to upgrade RT.
Wait a second Wait wait wait. I'm not home right now so I can't look but you're saying that the stars offer for 700 stars of a 96 BND that I saw last night is now gone? That's what I've been saving for! I can't believe they're going to leave that out in part two. There's barely enough ways to get coins just enough to get that through the solos and objectives. I'm not looking to grind out to get an auctionable one and playing house rules forever. If that's true and it's gone forever bad move EA
You can only buy it once, I’m guessing you already did?
you can only buy it once the entire promo?
depressedravensfan said:you can only buy it once the entire promo?
Yup because i still have not got mine and as of 4 am this morning it was still in the store
Slammer4244 said:Yup because i still have not got mine and as of 4 am this morning it was still in the store
Okay that's good to hear. I guess what people were discussing was adding it back second time. So for those of us that have it claimed it yet it's still there. Now to decide who to take. Obviously the two packer players fit the team theme but they're at positions I already have Packers at.