I got this game roughly 2 weeks ago and have grinded solos to get this team https://www.mut.gg/24/lineup-builder/af7f7c5a-46ac-4b53-9f87-b9ef81dcacf3/. I am going to wait to make upgrades until after TOTY drops due to the assumption that 94s/95s/96s will go down in price (I am not sniffing a TOTY outside of the free one from the TOTW solos lol). I have 2 millions coins for a budget.
I have scoured this website narrowing players down due to AP/cost and created this team https://www.mut.gg/24/lineup-builder/01e5e207-5343-48d6-a285-0eeaeeb40352/. I like to set the tone by running hence 92 Gronk/run blocking WRs. I can definitely get the Jefferson from the comp pass to throw in here, but probably won't be getting him for another week-ish. I run a nickel over/big nickel on defense with Peppers as my SUBLB1 user and Clay as my edge rusher. I primarily run cover 3/4 and make adjustments out of that based on what my opponent likes to do.
I ultimately make this post to ask if the upgrades I made in the second link are worth it/if I should be targeting other 94s/95s/96s? Thanks to anyone who reads all of this/leaves a reply in advance :)