me and my brother both put in 175 into madden and got this team. was it worth?
me and my brother both put in 175 into madden and got this team. was it worth?
just based on how much coins sell for on other sites, you basically spent $350 for 14.7 million coins which is what the current market deems your roster value is. 14.7 million from a coin dealer is like $675.
So in that regard you did great, but was it worth it to spend the money instead of spending the time grinding the game?
yeah, it's a great team, I spend money here and they're on special offers if they're good and I got spare money to spend, just a tip on your team, sell some of the players and change to Combine TT, if you can get a full one it could be a team you could stick with for a month or 2