Anyone know if EA has made any comment about this?
Same here none showed up. I watched the entire stream last night for the hour to get the combine pack and I didn't get any of them today
I'm not sure exactly how it works but i finally claimed my prime gaming playoff pack... and i did receive that yesterday... so my accounts are def connected... and its not a twitch wide thing.... who does that leave to blame....
ps - has anybody gotten there drops from yesterday? and were were all spamming things about kelce? lol
Reason: added a ps... edit 2 was a typo in ps
Was wondering if I was the only one glad to hear I’m not sure it’ll be fixed soon
actually I think my EA account might have become disconnected. I was trying to get drops from the show, and i looked to see if i had the show linked... and I no longer saw EA
listed under "other connections"
wont be home from wok for another few hours but hopefully unlinking and re-linking my accounts will fix the problem
Still no drops for me from yesterday
Some have stated they finally started coming