The controller stops responding reliably to input (especially the sticks, but not limited to, buttons do it too) if you have the controller at certain angles. I could give more detailed examples but anyone else whos noticed it probably already knows what im talking about. (Ps: Not just sticks and with multiple controllers and never happens with any other game, just before someone says "ackkhhually, your sticks or your internet blah blah) lol
Completely unrelated but equally random, why is the "coach suggestions" so useless? I dont really rely on it but I try to use it often as a startin point or a kind of "hot sheet" type deal, especially when i get in a rhythm/start zoning out lol and it often either just suggests the same handful of plays or worse yet, litetally every play on every page is the same useless play. Or how theres nothing but conservative runs every play every page when your acked up in your own end etc
How lazy can they be when programming/testing this stuff? Lol