What have you all been doing with eggs? What rolls have you done, and have you quicksold smaller eggs?
AKZephar said:What have you all been doing with eggs? What rolls have you done, and have you quicksold smaller eggs?
i rolled all the eggs possible and was qs smaller ones til i ran out of rolls……i am currently holding my daily ones but if eggs refresh in part 2(doubtful) then i will probably qs those to roll some more bigger ones
chicken egg rolls hands down
Panda Express veggie
I’ve rolled all the mystery, all the eggcelent, all the eggstravagent, and most of the simple baskets, and I pulled 3 LTDs from the eggstravagent, none from the other 100 or so
I've sold all non-LTD eggs and opened every egg pack in the store. I wound up with three LTDs. If you grind the game a lot, the different promo cards (AKA, Ultimate, etc) are outdated now so the only potential players most people would find useful are the LTDs - whatever they are...
doncoyleone said:I've sold all non-LTD eggs and opened every egg pack in the store. I wound up with three LTDs. If you grind the game a lot, the different promo cards (AKA, Ultimate, etc) are outdated now so the only potential players most people would find useful are the LTDs - whatever they are...
AKA, TOTY, ULTIMATE, etc. ..are still worth coins. Open them Easter. Sell of you dont like them, and use those coins to buy what you want.
i haven’t quick sold any. not worth it imo you’ll waste currency. you’ll most likely pull the same egg again and everytime lose 100 chocolate
i opened all 10 eggstravagent and I’m not sure what to do next. I wont touch simple or nice, but the question is do i rip all mystery’s or rip all the 1,600 ones
RyyoLurkedEm said:i haven’t quick sold any. not worth it imo you’ll waste currency. you’ll most likely pull the same egg again and everytime lose 100 chocolate
i opened all 10 eggstravagent and I’m not sure what to do next. I wont touch simple or nice, but the question is do i rip all mystery’s or rip all the 1,600 ones
The worst egg in the 1600 one is worth 1370 quicksells, so really good ratios to reroll. I got quite a few 4k chocolate QS eggs from it to. Wanna say 5-6. So kinda worth it? Heard ltd is possible from
3 LTD’s. Got one from mystery packs, 2 from Eggstravagant
I did all 10 of eggvragent pulled 7 ltd then did 15 mystery pulled one ltd then 5 of 2nd most expensive and got 2 more. 10 in total ltd eggs
Eddie666 said:I did all 10 of eggvragent pulled 7 ltd then did 15 mystery pulled one ltd then 5 of 2nd most expensive and got 2 more. 10 in total ltd eggs
what the hell. i got 2/10. 7 is insane
RyyoLurkedEm said:what the hell. i got 2/10. 7 is insane
2 is better than none. Many opened all and got none.
So far, I have opened 3 eggstravagant and 13 eggsilent. 1 LTD, Go Birds, from my 12th eggsilent pull.