RPOs would be removed from the game. forget all the many other coding errors present. This small change would eliminate all the bums in one swift swing. The other option would be to code them properly, but as we know, that is not going to happen because of laziness. Everything else in the game can be countered by adjustments, with RPOs even if you set def up perfectly, there is a 50/50 chance that it won’t work.
I don’t run bunch, Rpos or 6-1. I still win a little bit over 80% of my games. However it’s getting to a point where I quit games I’m winning just because it is so boring And tedious to play this bums.
Should RPOs be removed
this isn’t even a question
1000000000000000% yes
No, because they are a part of football. If EA could code the CPU logic to know what is happening they would be more defensible. Unfortunately your guys will be absolutely stunned every time an RPO is ran bc they dont adapt for some reason
Code them to whatever they were in madden 23
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You confuse rant versus fact.
GameAce92 said:No, because they are a part of football. If EA could code the CPU logic to know what is happening they would be more defensible. Unfortunately your guys will be absolutely stunned every time an RPO is ran bc they dont adapt for some reason
It’s been like this since the opening bell, ea Had plenty of opportunities to fix this, either they can’t or they won’t, hence simple solution is just to remove them all together until they can get it right.
GameAce92 said:No, because they are a part of football. If EA could code the CPU logic to know what is happening they would be more defensible. Unfortunately your guys will be absolutely stunned every time an RPO is ran bc they dont adapt for some reason
it's true that they are part of football but the game isn't coded well enough to defend against them so until that happens, they should be removed from the game
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I’m not sure you understand your own use of vocabulary.
10000000000x yes normally idrc what u run but rpos this year are just luck based and made for ass players if they could code the game right and make it so its counter able then it would be fine but they can't they've proved this for years now that they can't and it makes it even worse with Eric Dickerson and two vanguards on the field at once.
Would prefer them to remove ability’s but that would work to ig
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Which lying or bending of the truth is present here… you’re confused. I don’t have to prove anything, it is in the gameplay. The coding is absolutely flawed. This is probably the only madden ever conceived, where you know exactly what your opponent is doing, make proper adjustments, and still fail, because the coding put you at a steep disadvantage.
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It’s not hard to be good at madden lol… this post is about purging bums that make this game boring, I’m guessing you’re one of those. And it is an irony, as you scurry here to make a new account just so you can attempt to prove your point.
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Yeah, it does. Why did you make a new account? So you can win an internet argument? 😂
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