I know there is about a bizzillion forums like this but
now I usually give EA the benifit of the doubt but this is getting OUT OF CONTROL.
I know it’s may and no one really cares about it anymore but your just loading up your console and trying to have fun with madden you just CANT HAVE FUN.
the fact on how money hungry EA is is insane. every tab in the store are money packs, but that’s not my main concern with just packs alone. The fact you can spend million and millions and MILLIONS of coins and have better chance of winning the IRL lottery than pulling a card in a virtual NFL video game is MINDBLOWING. You have to spend MONEY to have a SLIGHT chance to pull a GT(or even a LTD) . they can SIMPLY fix this but making the community actually want to play this game just to add TVP’s ITS NOT HARD
and packs aren’t even the worse of it all, it’s the BS gameplay. I’ve never been more PUNISHED by making a good read just to get knockout or even a INT
and those X-factors man, straight BS
the fact one single guy can juke out FOUR DEFENDERS at once is ABSURD
and those rpo spammers, if you don’t spam rpos, shoutout to you but if you do, how does that even make the game fun?
i could go on for hours about this but EA