Playing online lately it feels like I rarely have a game go into the second half let alone finish. Most games if I get a stop and a score or two the person immediately quits. It's nice to get the win, but I also enjoy a good full game, which is rare. I can assure you I've blown my fair share of early leads. I'd get it if I was running some kind of glitch blitz and stretch RPOs with vanguards and Perry/Payton or something, but I play your run of the mill Trips base with zone d out of BNOG.
the only ones left playing are the die hards going to war with each other in legends and the cheesers who have no answers or adjustments when going down.
Not worth wasting the time
if you score twice & stop the offense both times on the turnover then its common sense that the player will not be winning so why even bother ”trying to comeback“ for another 10-15 mins
I'm here just for my objectives. Don'thave time to go back and forth. In and out of each game to quickly rack up wins. The rewards for a full game aren't great so why bother?
playing the same dbags who sit in gun bunch YouTube cheese schemes all game and then run some glitch blitz D or 6-1 that at this point reaches every part of the field via knockout bs.. not worth the headache for anyone. i personally stay to try and figure out how to beat it but after a few bs animations or bail outs I'm out.
Don't know if this is related, but I have noticed an uptick in early rage quits since switched over to the "avalanche theme team". Scrubs just got too comfortable running rpo's and not protecting the ball.
The quickest rage quits are those who run a players with tank, and still fumble when my army of avalanches gets to them lol.
Because there are too many abilities and you barely control the outcome of a game because of them.
I never quit I got alot blowouts due theme team
I will leave a game if someone is throwing the same mtn rpo or bubble screens/stretch alert lookie on repeat because at some point I’ll throw the wrong audios and they change play and they go up and through nothing other than bad ai that doesn’t learn where to stand, and without 3/4 adjustments they’re free first downs if they go quickly with all the angry run non X factors, my 99 players at this point have forgot to watch film 😓
however I will stick around even when I’m getting rattled till it’s completely dead in the water and even then if the guy isn’t chewing clock and wants see whos got the bigger arm if they’re far enough up 😂 I’ll play till the final whistle
But yeah tldr: facing the same play on treat for 12.5 minutes out of 25 is very dull
also a big part of it is the rewards aren't worth any of the rng dda bs to deal with for it and i think like most are here to grind passes/objectives and don't care at all about record.. no ones winning shit for being a sweat or a casual
lol this pre lit/passive xfactor, vanguard , bottleneck meta is trash and its june ...too late in yr to be dealing with this bs and rewards are trash as usual...LEAST SKILLED MADDEN OF ALL TIME. slap on abilities/xfactors and let the CPU play for you and bail you out
cause it’s not fun playing against people that just run stretch alert bubble the whole game.
In Champs I'll get my stats over time, but wins are the thing I'll need to earn. I don't live to play Madden, so when I play people who do, it's quickly evident. They can have their win, and I won't exhaust my limited recreation time in a losing endeavor that holds me back from advancing.
In Leagues, I will stick around longer, if only to get the practice in against cheese.
In short, I quit earlier in Champs, because I've still got 24 more games to burn.
Moderator Sevein131 said:I'm here just for my objectives. Don'thave time to go back and forth. In and out of each game to quickly rack up wins. The rewards for a full game aren't great so why bother?
Moderator Sevein131 said:I'm here just for my objectives. Don'thave time to go back and forth. In and out of each game to quickly rack up wins. The rewards for a full game aren't great so why bother?
This is the correct answer
ive never been the quitting type until this year
Most times not worth spending 45 mins on MAYBE winning a sweat match when I know I can quickly win 3 other games and hit more objectives in that same timeframe
the rewards in this game are less about Ws and more about objectives. This is the game EA has created.