I hate to say it but I just stopped playing ether ur receivers wide open passes on offense or u can ran over by full vanguard teams on defense
bigblue21 said:Just out of curiosity . Who are the 6 vanguards?
Bro I know what ur doing
MCPC said:yuh thas wut i said tha game never been balanced. n yuh i agree offensive is prolly more fun, but if u remove both kos n velocity chems, offense is jus op, like we seen at tha beginning of tha year. if defense is impossible, it aint as fun cus een if u scorin, tf u gon do as u watch tha other player also score easily too. u still need to balance it wit defensive abilities, n not add dem based on offensive abilities like ur sayin bout tha kos. There was a short period of time dis year when there were only a couple kos on tha field, n een if there was sfl, madden was still a lil balanced. im sayin u cant say kos aint needed if sfl ain there, cus u most def need them if sfl ain there, or offense jus op fa errbody
I'm just saying set feet lead is easily more overpowering than KO's. Even with 15-18 KO's on the field it is still possible to throw the ball because of set feet lead. Yes with no sfl, no ko's it is unbalanced in favor of the offense but it's not impossible to get 1-2 stops per game. We just had mut draft come back with very little to no abilities and that mode was great. It was tough to get a stop but not impossible.
mberezoski said:Maybe i have been just lucky for the past few weeks, but I have found that most opponents and myself have been aligned as to how we all view RPO's, which is that we treat them like nukes. We all will run an rpo once, maybe twice just prove that we have them in our arsenal's, but then we stop in order to avoid mutually assured destruction.
Wow, a comment has never hit so hard. ya, it’s like we’re playing rpo hide and go seek, lol. So much said with nothing said. And then I have a tough decision when we’re almost through first quarter and it’s clear that’s all they are doing. I think “am I just gona concede, or just waste their time” and I usually take the pettie route and waste their time. They always take the play clock to zero even when the clocks not running, and on D, I don’t think they pick plays, they let the time clock run out and pick it for them. It’s the same thing everytime. Ps, cheers to the teams with 6 vanguards that show me they can be toxic, but end up passing and having fun by the end of the first!
Reason: Typos