I haven't gotten any headaches so far in mut25 and I actually have fun playing. However, in mut24 them KO's were just so unrealistic like how did EA come up with it. What are your thoughts?
I don’t think Mut 25 is as bad as everyone thinks just frustrations boiling over from previous years
Entheogenuser420 said:I don’t think Mut 25 is as bad as everyone thinks just frustrations boiling over from previous years
Agree with this. There are plenty of things to complain about each year and the further we go the worse it'll get. I actually think prior to this most recent patch, that 25 was playing phenomenally. Defense actually felt good but not overpowered like last year with Zone KOs. We aren't seeing as much Bunch Offset this year either which is refreshing (although trips te flex seems to be new meta). People will always complain about these games because of how EA is, and rightfully so.
Gameplay is buggy and certain things in the game never got addressed like favoriting plays from 3-2 dollar and people never getting UA etc. The frustrating part is instead of fixing the issues or communicating, they put all their resources into selling packs.
I will say I really appreciate them fixing the running clock . It’s easier to stay engaged in games and get more out of my time.
Yeah I see the gameplay issues. I feel bad for the people who didn’t get there UA/RP. EA gave me two extra 88s lol. For a multi-billion dollar company not fixing issues is pure laziness.
I agree EA has made some mistakes that are So easy to fix to me like people not receiving makerights and now apparently the Simmons drop was bugged for many people, and alot Of people are missing rewards this year and I just can’t remember the majority of players not receiving their rewards in the past Or the rewards tracking being glitchy. As far as gameplay I mean I think EA is always going to have gameplay issues eventually I would like to believe we have a madden with MINIMAL gameplay issues but that frostbite engine needs to go I’m seriously in awe that is still what they use that thing. That thing was glitchy asf on battlefield too lmao
Some stuff is way worse and some stuff is way better. Defense still feels the hardest it has ever been though if you're not just A gapping someone to hell and back
Buggiest pile of trash animations they've released. Not close either
PBateman said:Buggiest pile of trash animations they've released. Not close either
That is true. Getting tackled when youre not touched is crazy. The boom tech is just trash as well.
TexansAreHim said:That is true. Getting tackled when youre not touched is crazy. The boom tech is just trash as well.
This. Collision detection was Atari 2600 stuff.